Our story

History of Arborsmith

Apprentice Arborist 1972

B.S. Horticulture 1974

Founded 1977 with a focus on diagnosis and treatment of trees.

Graduate studies 1988-1990: Helped design/author the Plant Health Care tree care system.

Continuing education for ALL our ISA Certified Arborists.  1 Corinthians 8:2 NIV “Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know.”

Looking back many years, at the young age of 14, I needed and appreciated the wisdom and experience of my first horticultural mentor.  90-year wise Edna told me what the plants needed and showed me how to do it well.  What a wonderful blessing she was.  Each Saturday we worked cooperatively; She ending the day with a more beautiful garden, and me with my mind stretched by the day’s work and my belly stretched from her “Have another cookie?”

Now, at the young age of 64, i have grown into one of those “old timers.”  Our timely tips may help answer your questions, or may suggest a more focused onsite visit.  As an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, i am happy to meet with you at your convenience and direct the care of your trees by ISA Certified Arborists.

> e-mail: forshade@arborsmith.biz
> cellphone 217.202.7490